When we are many hours in front of screens such as computer, mobile, tablets … visual fatigue occurs, reddening of the eyes and even feeling of dryness in the eyes.
This may be because there is actually a prescription, even if it is a small amount, that your eye needs when there is a concentration of vision at a certain distance for a certain time.
It may also be due to presbyopia, which is an age-related visual deficit associated with age 40 or so in which vision in near objects is blurred.
In the past, a lot of importance was given to protection against solar lux with sunglasses. Nowadays, it is being more and more important to protect our eyes gainst electronic devices as they have become a tool that we use every day.
Computers, tablets, smartphones and other digital displays emit blue light. Although this is only a small fraction of what the sun emits, the use of devices and the proximity of eyeglasses raises concerns about the long-term effects of blue light on eye health.
Blue light has a short wavelength, which allows it to enter the eyes. This means that almost all visible blue light rays can pass through the opening of the cornea and retina. Although there is little research to support this, some experts believe that too much blue light can damage the sensitive cells of the retina.
There are some types of glasses that provide protection against blue light from screens in general. A person who uses a few hours any electronic device, it is not necessary. On the other hand, a person who spends a lot of time, usually more than four hours, in front of screens may notice a difference between wearing screen protection and not wearing it.
Glasses with lenses for screen protection filter out part of the blue radiation emitted by these screens. In this way, less blue light enters the eye. Thanks to this mechanism, symptoms of eye fatigue, dry eyes and discomfort can be alleviated. These lenses can be neutral without any type of prescription only with screen protection.
There are different types of glasses for screen protection depending on
the aesthetics and the amount of blue light they filter. Aesthetically, the crystal has a bluish reflection that can sometimes be annoying because due to the reflection the eyes are not well appreciated when wearing them. This reflection can be reduced and obtain a perfect result both aesthetically and in terms of visual health.
There are no clear studies on the effectiveness of this type of glass treatment but there are many cases where it is a relief to wear the blue light protection of the screens.
Some people may consider wearing blue light glasses because they believe they can help reduce eyestrain when using digital devices. Many studies have shown that blue light does have an effect on the retina. This is not to say that if we use screens a lot directly we will have retinal disease. If a person has a retinal disease, it is advisable to wear blue light protective glasses. If we have a healthy eye but we spend many hours in front of screens, what the glasses do is to reduce the entry of blue light into the eyes as it is reflected in the glass and this can reduce eyestrain. The protection for screens reduces the tone of the colors and the intensity of the colors and this, although there are no studies that prove it 100%, there are many people who are grateful to have this protector when they are in front of screens. It must be taken into account that in the past the screens were not used much, everything was natural light, it is necessary to wear the appropriate protection for everything that is not natural light and used in excess.
The use of digital screens poses problems for the eyes for many reasons:
If you spend too much time concentrating and looking at the screen, your eyes can become tired. In addition, your eyes will be constantly focused while looking at the screen, and sitting too close will cause your eye muscles to try to focus on the closest image. Also keep in mind that when you are concentrating on looking at screens you blink less than usual, this can lead to dry eye as the eye needs to blink to moisturize the anterior layer of the eyeball.
It is easy to attribute these problems to blue light, but it is likely that these problems are not caused by blue light, but by the excessive use of digital devices.
As we explaint before, several studies have shown that blue light can damage the retina. Lenses with blue light protection are useful to reduce the risk or progression of eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration.
In addition, many rules are used to prevent excess blue light from getting out of everyday things. Because of these safety restrictions, the level of blue light emitted by items such as light bulbs and digital screens is not high enough to damage the retina. This means that it is not necessary to wear blue light glasses when using digital glasses.